BrandMeister DMR Server has capabilities to send and receive telemetry messages of Hytera and Motorola radios.
Telemetry service allows:
BrandMeister can do control via MQTT API, transmit incoming events (input state change, remote control) to user application via MQTT, transmit events to APRS.
Master/2501/Service { "Event" : "Telemetry-Report", "SourceID" : 1107164, "VIO1" : 023, "VIO2" : 000, "VIO3" : 000, "VIO4" : 000, "VIO5" : 000, "Text" : "" }
mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'query telemetry' # Network ID-| Source ID-| |-Destination ID
mosquitto_pub -t Master/2501/Outgoing/Command/250999/2503002 -m 'send telemetry command 0 0 0 0 0' # Network ID-| Source ID-| |-Destination ID |*******|- Command Set: # 0 = None, 20 = Clear, 21 = Set, 22 = Toggle, 23 = Pulse