Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Category handler/data/doc
- -- This module assembles data to be passed to [[Module:Category handler]] using
- -- mw.loadData. This includes the configuration data and whether the current
- -- page matches the title blacklist.
- local data = require('Module:Category handler/config')
- local mShared = require('Module:Category handler/shared')
- local blacklist = require('Module:Category handler/blacklist')
- local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
- data.currentTitleMatchesBlacklist = mShared.matchesBlacklist(
- title.prefixedText,
- blacklist
- )
- data.currentTitleNamespaceParameters = mShared.getNamespaceParameters(
- title,
- mShared.getParamMappings()
- )
- return data