Allows to see the list of active context or connected repeaters
Command line parameters:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
CALL="dbus-send --system --dest=me.burnaway.BrandMeister --type=method_call --print-reply /me/burnaway/BrandMeister"
if [ "$1" == "-c" ] then
- echo
- echo BrandMeister context list:
- echo
- $CALL me.burnaway.BrandMeister.getContextList | \
- grep -E -o "[a-z0-9-]{36}" | \
- xargs -l -I {} \
- $CALL me.burnaway.BrandMeister.getContextData string:'{}'
- exit
if [ "$1" == "-r" ] then
- echo
- echo BrandMeister repeater list:
- echo
- $CALL me.burnaway.BrandMeister.getContextList uint32:2 | \
- grep -E -o "[a-z0-9-]{36}" | \
- xargs -l -I {} \
- $CALL me.burnaway.BrandMeister.getRepeaterData string:'{}'
- exit
echo echo Usage: echo $0 -c Get active context list echo $0 -r Get connected repeater list echo </syntaxhighlight>