m (DMO Gateways (high power hotspots))
m (Talk Groups)
(182 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 2: Line 2:
|coordinators=CX6ACY, CX2AL, CX8BIT, CX4AR
|coordinators=CX2AL, CX8BIT, CX4AE, CX1RV, CX4RT
= Last heard on TGs 748, 7487 and 7489=
=Digital contacts list=
*[https://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=lh&DestinationID=748 Last Heard on TG 748]<br />
*[https://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=lh&DestinationID=7487 Last Heard on TG 7487]<br/>
*[https://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=lh&DestinationID=7489 Last Heard on TG 7489]<br/>
= Obtaining a digital ID =
*[https://www.radioid.net/#! Digital ID from RadioID]
=Contact lists=
* [http://www.dmrcontacts.com Digital contacts list by CX8BIT]
* [http://www.dmrcontacts.com Digital contacts list by CX8BIT]
Line 21: Line 29:
=TG's in Uruguay's departments=
Line 41: Line 47:
In Uruguay, '''there are no restrictions on TG's use'''. Repeaters, mobile and handheld radios, DMO's, etc., are open to all TG's on any slot.
In Uruguay, '''there are no restrictions on TG's use'''. Repeaters, mobile and handheld radios, DMO's, etc., are open to all TG's on any slot.
There are, however, some '''conventions''' for the use of TG's and for the programming of handies or mobile stations.
There are, however, some '''conventions or recommendations''' for the use of TG's and for the programming of handies or mobile stations.
These are the following:
These are the following:
*a) National TG 748 is programmed as permanent on slot 1. It is meant as a calling channel, for establishing the initial contact and facilitate QSY to a regional or user activated talk group (CXUA's). Please remember that QSO's on TG 748 block time slot 1 on almost all CX repeaters.
*a) National TG 748 is programmed as permanent on slot 1. It is meant as a calling channel, for establishing the initial contact and facilitate QSY to a regional or user activated talk group (CXUA's). Please remember that a QSO on TG 748 occupies  time slot 1 on all repeaters that have TG748 as permanent on that slot ( almost all CX repeaters).
*b) Emergency TG, 74800, is programmed as '''permanent on both slots'''.
*b) Emergency TG, 74800, should be programmed as permanent or fixed  '''on both slots'''.
*c) It is suggested that the TG corresponding to the department's TG be programmed on slot 2 as permanent.
*c) It is suggested that the TG corresponding to the department's TG be programmed on slot 2 as permanent.
*2-'''Handies and mobile radios'''.
*2-'''Handies and mobile radios'''.
*-These are programmed with TG 74800 in the Rx list of '''all channels'''. No Rx list should be programmed selecting the "none" or "no Rx list" options in the programming software.  This allows the emergency TG 74800 to allways be heard.
*-These are programmed with TG 74800 in the Rx list of '''all channels'''. No Rx list should be programmed selecting the "none" or "no Rx list" options in the programming software.  This allows the emergency TG 74800 to always be heard.
*3-'''Hotspots and DMO gateways'''.
*3-'''Hotspots and DMO gateways'''.
Line 60: Line 66:
=Talk Groups on Time Slot 1 =
= Talk Groups=
* '''748''' - '''Uruguay national (permanent on most CX repeaters)'''
* '''74800''' - '''Emergency'''
*[http://brandmeister-907-jota-joti-yota.cloudaccess.host 748907 and 748918 JOTA/JOTI (call channels)]
*The setting as permanent  for the JOTA TG's is upon request to the repeater's Sysop.
= Talk Groups on Time Slot 2 =
* [[9 Local]]
* [[9 Local]]
* '''748''' - '''Uruguay national (permanent on most CX repeaters)'''
* '''[[74800 EMERGENCY]]'''
* '''[[74800 EMERGENCY]]'''
* [[Departamento de Artigas|74803 Artigas]]
* [[Departamento de Artigas|74803 Artigas]]
Line 91: Line 80:
* [[Departamento de Lavalleja|74810  Lavalleja]]
* [[Departamento de Lavalleja|74810  Lavalleja]]
* [[Departamento de Maldonado|74811  Maldonado]]
* [[Departamento de Maldonado|74811  Maldonado]]
* [[Departamento de Montevideo|74801  Montevideo]]
* [[Departamento de Montevideo|74801  Montevideo 1]]
* [[Departamento de Montevideo|74802  Montevideo]]
* [[Departamento de Montevideo|74802  Montevideo 2]]
* [[Departamento de Paysandú|74812  Paysandú]]
* [[Departamento de Paysandú|74812  Paysandú]]
* [[Departamento de Rio Negro|74813  Rio Negro]]
* [[Departamento de Rio Negro|74813  Rio Negro]]
Line 102: Line 91:
* [[Departamento de Tacuarembó|74819  Tacuarembó]]
* [[Departamento de Tacuarembó|74819  Tacuarembó]]
* [[Departamento de Treinta y Tres|74820  Treinta y Tres]]
* [[Departamento de Treinta y Tres|74820  Treinta y Tres]]
*[http://gx4crc.com/gb4imd 748230 Marconi Activities (IMD, etc.)]
*[http://www.uruguay-link.com 7487 - Link Wires-x Room #60820, YSF #51380, XLX117D, Peanut, Europelink Room #98  ]
*[http://gx4crc.com/imd/ 748230 - Marconi Activities (IMD, etc.)]<br>
*[https://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=device&id=748030-CX2DXX 74847 - TG Pedrense ]<br>
*[http://www.uruguay-link.com 7487 - Uruguay Link - Link Wires-x Room #60820, YSF #51380, XLX117D, Peanut, Europelink Room #98]<br>
*[http://www.miami-latino.com 7489 - Hamradio UY -  Link Wires-x Room #00627, YSF #24389 US Miami Latino, Europelink #49, www.miami-latino.com]
*A Cluster is a special TG (TG8, for instance) that makes a group of repeaters to act as a single repeater, where you can talk only locally, as you would on a  repeater on TG9. This TG, as TG9, cannot be reached from another repeater that is not included in the cluster. No Clusters exist as yet in Uruguay.
A [https://brandmeister.network/?page=clusters Cluster] is a special TG (TG8, for instance) that makes a group of repeaters to act as a single repeater, where you can talk only locally, as you would on a  repeater on TG9. This TG, as TG9, '''cannot be reached from another repeater that is not included in the cluster'''. No Clusters exist as yet in Uruguay.
If you would like to create a cluster, please read this page: [https://help.brandmeister.us/repeaters/sysop-dashboard/clusters#create-a-new-cluster Creating a new cluster]
Line 143: Line 134:
= Dashboard and Status pages =
*[https://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=lh&country=748 Last heard Uruguay]
Line 163: Line 148:
- ARS Radio ID:  XXX999 , XXX being the first three digits of any Master Server. <br>
- ARS Radio ID:  XXX999 , XXX being the first three digits of any Master Server. <br>
(This server does not necessarily need to be the Master Server to which the repeater is connected)<br>
(This server does not necessarily need to be the Master Server to which the repeater is connected)
Line 179: Line 165:
=== '''PARROT''' ===
=== '''PARROT''' ===
* 9990 Parrot (Private call and TS2)
* xxx997  Parrot (Private call and TS2), xxx being the first three digits of the country server you want to use
Line 186: Line 173:
* [http://uruguay-link.com/ Uruguay-Link]
* [http://uruguay-link.com/ Uruguay-Link]
* [http://brandmeister.network BrandMeister Dashboard]
* [http://brandmeister.network BrandMeister Dashboard]
*[https://www.brandmeister.es/servicios-digitales-de-brandmeister Servicios digitales en BrandMeister]
*[https://www.brandmeister.es/servicios-digitales-de-brandmeister Servicios digitales en BrandMeister]
Line 193: Line 181:
* [http://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=lh&country=748 BrandMeister Dashboard for Uruguay]
* [http://brandmeister.network/index.php?page=lh&country=748 BrandMeister Dashboard for Uruguay]
* [http://ham-digital.org/dmr-userreg.php?callsign=cx* List of CX registered callsigns]
*[http://www.repeater-builder.com/products/stm32-dvm.html  Zimmermann's MMDVM board]
*[http://www.repeater-builder.com/products/stm32-dvm.html  Zimmermann's MMDVM board]
*[http://hamradio.joomla.com/images/PDF/Hotspot-Users-BER-rate.pdf BER/Hotspots]
*[https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Server_Configuration BrandMeister supported protocols]
*[https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Server_Configuration BrandMeister supported protocols]
*[http://wiki.bm262.de/doku.php?id=servicenummer#gps_und_wetter/ WX and other sms commands shown in the BM German site(262)]
*[http://wiki.bm262.de/doku.php?id=servicenummer#gps_und_wetter/ WX and other sms commands shown in the BM German site(262)]
*[https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Kirisun_Repeater Kirisun Repeater setup]
*[https://news.brandmeister.network/configure-a-security-password-for-your-hotspots/ SECURITY PW for hotspots]
*[https://cwh050.mywikis.wiki/wiki/List_of_MOTOTRBO_Models  List of MOTOTRBO models]
*[https://help.brandmeister.us/repeaters/connecting-repeaters/ Connecting repeaters to BrandMeister]
*[https://cwh050.blogspot.com/ DJ0WH site]
Line 213: Line 202:
  ! width=20% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Remarks
  ! width=20% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Remarks
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748001 CX2CXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748XXX CX6CXX]
| 432.925
| 437.925
|Temporarily down
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748002 CX8RXX]
|Montevideo(Sede RCU)
| Maldonado
|Hytera RD625
|Not yet in service
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748003 CX1AXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748003 CX1AXX]
Line 236: Line 218:
|748, 74800
|Montevideo - (Sede R.C.U)
|Montevideo - (Sede RCU)
|RCU-temporarily down
|RCU-In service as of March 29th, 2022, DMR,Fusion and Dstar
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748004 CX8CXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748004 CX8CXX]
Line 275: Line 257:
|Rocha - (Sede de C.R.R - C.A.R)
|Rocha - (Sede de C.R.R y C.A.R)
Line 286: Line 268:
|Treinta y Tres - Ruta 8 Km 323.700
|Treinta y Tres - Ruta 8 Km 323.700
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748014 CX2TXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748014 CX2TXX]
Line 305: Line 287:
|Canelones - Solymar
|Canelones - Solymar
Temporarily down
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748101 CX4AXX]
|Montevideo - Pocitos
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748102 CX7BXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748102 CX7BXX]
Line 320: Line 294:
|Montevideo - Paso de la Arena
|Montevideo - Paso de la Arena
Line 339: Line 307:
|Maldonado - Punta del Este
|Maldonado - Punta del Este
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748104 CX9BXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748104 CX9BXX]
Line 350: Line 320:
|Montevideo - Cordón
|Montevideo - Cordón
|RADIOGRUPO SUR-Not on the air
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748106 CX7RXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748106 CX7RXX]
Line 357: Line 327:
|Maldonado - Piriapolis
|Maldonado - Piriápolis
|Under maintenance-CX4RT
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748106 CX9RXX]
|Maldonado - Piriápolis
|CX4AE - CX1AAO - CX6AT Uruguay Link
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748107 CX8DXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748107 CX8DXX]
Line 378: Line 358:
|Melo-Cerro Largo
|Melo-Cerro Largo
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748018 CX4EXX]
|Libertad - San José
|Uruguay Link
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748006 CX9DXX]
|748, 74800
|7487, 74800
|Radio Club Uruguayo
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748007 CX8TXX]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748008 CX3IXX]
|Uruguay-Link - CX3AF
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748009 CX4TXX]
|La Paloma-Rocha
|Uruguay-Link, Centro de Radioaficionados de Rocha
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748026 CX8JXX]
|74800, 7487
|Uruguay Link
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748016 CX4CXX]
|Uruguay Link
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748021 CX7CXX]
|74800, 7487
|Uruguay Link
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748027 CX8PXX]
|Uruguay-Link, CX2PA, CX5DT
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748030 CX2DXX]
|Las Piedras
=DMO Gateways (high power hotspots)=
=DMO Gateways (high power hotspots)=
'''''Please no hotspots on satellite band: 435,000 to 438,000 and 145,800 to 146,000'''
Line 391: Line 465:
  ! width=10% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Location
  ! width=10% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Location
  ! width=10% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Remarks
  ! width=10% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Remarks
  |[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=748021103 CX1RV]
   |[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=7480021 CX8BIT]
   |[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=7480021 CX8BIT]
Line 476: Line 556:
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=7480112 CX5TS]
|[https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=7480112 CX5TS]
Line 486: Line 566:
These are unconfirmed frequencies - More Gateways under construction!
These are unconfirmed frequencies - More Gateways under construction!
Line 498: Line 576:
=Color codes used in Uruguay to build repeaters and DMO gateways =
  ! width=7% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Signal
  ! width=5% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Color
  ! width=8% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Motorola GM300 pin number
  ! width=10% style="border:1px light gray;"|DB9 pin on Scott Zimmermann's STM32_DVM_PiHat board
  ! width=5% style="border:1px light gray;"|Yaesu FT-7900
  ! width=45% style=" border:1px light gray;"|Notes
  |Tx audio
| Data input to Tx
  |Rx audio
|Data output from Rx
|Programmable on GM300, active high on Yaesu FT-7900/7800
|Tx on when this pin is grounded
|GM350, not used on GM300 or FT-7900/7800
|12V out
|9 (12V in)
|On GM300 and similar radios, pin 13 connects  to J8-5 which supplies +12V switched power from the radio on/off switch.This connection can deliver 500 mA current, fused by the 2A internal [http://www.starzip.net/GM300Internal2AfuseB.jpg radio fuse]. Do not forget: [http://www.starzip.net/GM300Jumper551D.jpg jumper 551] on A (The Rx audio applied to the accessory connector J3 is flat, not de-emphasized, and unmuted), [http://www.starzip.net/GM300Jumper601B.jpg jumper 601] on B (The high speed Rx data path to the microcomputer is flat from 1Hz to 3kHz). (bottom side of radio). This 601 jumper activates/deactivates the audio low pass filter.
=Legal information=

Latest revision as of 16:59, 8 March 2025

MCC Prefix 748
Coordinators CX2AL, CX8BIT, CX4AE, CX1RV, CX4RT, 
Website https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Uruguay


Last heard on TGs 748, 7487 and 7489

Obtaining a digital ID

Contact lists

For the moment, this page contains lists only for the Anytone AT-D868UV/AT-D878UV and Alinco DJ-MD5TGP,/ DJ-MD5T radios. Guillermo, CX8BIT, will continue to add lists for other radios.

TG's in Uruguay's departments


BM News


Talk Groups in URUGUAY

In Uruguay, there are no restrictions on TG's use. Repeaters, mobile and handheld radios, DMO's, etc., are open to all TG's on any slot. There are, however, some conventions or recommendations for the use of TG's and for the programming of handies or mobile stations.
These are the following:

  • 1-Repeaters

  • a) National TG 748 is programmed as permanent on slot 1. It is meant as a calling channel, for establishing the initial contact and facilitate QSY to a regional or user activated talk group (CXUA's). Please remember that a QSO on TG 748 occupies time slot 1 on all repeaters that have TG748 as permanent on that slot ( almost all CX repeaters).
  • b) Emergency TG, 74800, should be programmed as permanent or fixed on both slots.
  • c) It is suggested that the TG corresponding to the department's TG be programmed on slot 2 as permanent.

  • 2-Handies and mobile radios.

  • -These are programmed with TG 74800 in the Rx list of all channels. No Rx list should be programmed selecting the "none" or "no Rx list" options in the programming software. This allows the emergency TG 74800 to always be heard.

  • 3-Hotspots and DMO gateways.

  • -74800 is programmed as permanent in whatever slot the hotspot or DMO uses.
  • - It is suggested that the TG corresponding to the department's TG be programmed on the used slot(1 or 2) as permanent.

Talk Groups


A Cluster is a special TG (TG8, for instance) that makes a group of repeaters to act as a single repeater, where you can talk only locally, as you would on a repeater on TG9. This TG, as TG9, cannot be reached from another repeater that is not included in the cluster. No Clusters exist as yet in Uruguay. If you would like to create a cluster, please read this page: Creating a new cluster

User-activated (Tactical) Uruguay Talk Groups on Time Slot 2

User-activated talk groups, also known as "tactical", "dynamic" or "on demand" talk groups, are activated by pressing PTT once. The talk group will stay active (on the repeater it has been activated) for 10 minutes after the last activation. In Uruguay users "meet" on national or regional talk groups (e.g., TG 748,TS1) and will then agree to switch to one of the user-activated talk groups (TGs 74830, 74840, 74850, 74860). Since user-activated talk groups are used on time slot 2, this operating procedure frees up resources on time slot 1 for other users.

Talkgroup Timeslot Description
74830 2 CXUA 1
74840 2 CXUA 2
74850 2 CXUA 3
74860 2 CXUA 4


All Applications


- CAI Network: 12

- ARS Radio ID: XXX999 , XXX being the first three digits of any Master Server.
(This server does not necessarily need to be the Master Server to which the repeater is connected)

- preferred channel settings:

- ARS: On System/Site Change

- IP Site Connect: On

- GPS Revert: Selected

- Data Call Confirmed: Off (unchecked)


  • xxx997 Parrot (Private call and TS2), xxx being the first three digits of the country server you want to use

Useful Links


Callsign ID Tx freq. Rx freq. Permanent TGs S1 Permanent TGs S2 Location Remarks

CX6CXX 748xxx 432.925 437.925 Montevideo(Sede RCU) Hytera RD625
CX1AXX 748003 146.760 146.160 748, 74800 74800,7487 Montevideo - (Sede RCU) RCU-In service as of March 29th, 2022, DMR,Fusion and Dstar
CX8CXX 748004 145.500 144.900 748 74800,74801,74802,748230 Montevideo - Unión RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX9SXX 748005 432.425 437.425 748 74800,74810 Lavalleja - MINAS RADIO CLUB MINAS - CX2AL
CX1DXX 748011 432.500 437.500 748 74800,74804,748230 Canelones - Joanicó RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX9TXX 748012 432.500 437.500 748 74800,74815,748230 Rocha - (Sede de C.R.R y C.A.R) RADIOGRUPO SUR, CENTRO RADIOAFICIONADOS ROCHA,


CX4UXX 748013 432.200 437.200 748 74800,74820 Treinta y Tres - Ruta 8 Km 323.700
CX2TXX 748014 Rocha
CX7DXX 748015 432.825 437.825 748 74800,74804,748230 Canelones - Solymar RADIOGRUPO SUR

CX7BXX 748102 432.350 437.350 732,74800,716911,

724193,730911,732911, 734911,744911,748911



Montevideo - Paso de la Arena CX5AL - CX4AE
CX4RXX 748103 432.300 437.300 748 74800,74811,7489 Maldonado - Punta del Este CX4RT
CX9BXX 748104 432.150 437.150 748 74800,74801,74802,748230 Montevideo - Cordón RADIOGRUPO SUR-Not on the air
CX7RXX 748106 432.750 437.750 748 74800,74811,7489 Maldonado - Piriápolis Under maintenance-CX4RT
CX9RXX 748019 432.200 437.200 74800 74800 Maldonado - Piriápolis CX4AE - CX1AAO - CX6AT Uruguay Link
CX8DXX 748107 432.550 437.550 748 74800,74804,748230 Canelones - Las Piedras RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX4VXX 748017 432.350 437.350 748, 74800 7487, 74800,74805, Melo-Cerro Largo CX4AE, CX3VB
CX4EXX 748018 146.700 146.100 74800, 74800, Libertad - San José Uruguay Link
CX9DXX 748006 432.925 437.925 748, 74800 7487, 74800 Montevideo Radio Club Uruguayo
CX8TXX 748007 Projected
CX3IXX 748008 432.500 437.500 74812 7487 Paysandu Uruguay-Link - CX3AF
CX4TXX 748009 432.850 437.850 74800 74800 La Paloma-Rocha Uruguay-Link, Centro de Radioaficionados de Rocha
CX8JXX 748026 147.090 147.690 74800, 7487 74800 Salto Uruguay Link
CX4CXX 748016 432.450 437.450 74800 74800 Montevideo Uruguay Link
CX7CXX 748024 432.625 437.625 74800 74800, 7487 Montevideo Uruguay Link
CX8PXX 748027 432.300 437.300 74800 74800 Rivera Uruguay-Link, CX2PA, CX5DT
CX2DXX 748030 432.875 437.875 74800 74800 Las Piedras CX2DG

DMO Gateways (high power hotspots)

Please no hotspots on satellite band: 435,000 to 438,000 and 145,800 to 146,000

Callsign ID Frequency Location Remarks
CX1RV 748021103 434.900 Maldonado
CX8BIT 7480021 147.990 Montevideo
CX2TG 7480017 146.598 Rocha
CX2UI 7480045 145.050 Treinta y Tres
CX3AF 7480023 433.050 Paysandú
CX1LA 7480019 145.550 Casupá-Florida
CX2FX 7480095 146.460 Tarariras-Colonia
CX2DAJ 7481017 146.080 Santa Lucía-Canelones
CX2TN 7480132 146.180 Castillos - Rocha
CX3JU 748102516 434.100 Salto
CX4AE 748102517 433.100 Nueva Helvecia-Colonia
CX1HL 748102520 433.100 Young- Río Negro
CX1VH 748005601 433.100 Melo-Cerro Largo
CX1VH 748005604 145.010 Melo-Cerro Largo
CX1VE 74800090 433.100 Rio Branco-Cerro Largo
CX5TS 7480112 145.100 Chuy-Rocha
CX1MB 7480021 432.100 Trinidad-Flores

These are unconfirmed frequencies - More Gateways under construction!

Analog gateway to DMR, TG 748

There is an analog (fm) gateway/access to DMR TG 748 S1 in Montevideo on 147.870 Mhz.(CTCSS 82.5) It is located in the Parque Rodó neighborhood. Welcome to use it.

MCC Prefix 748
Coordinators CX6ACY, CX2AL, CX8BIT, CX4AR, 
Website https://brandmeister.network/


Digital contacts list[edit]

For the moment, this page contains lists only for the Anytone AT-D868UV/AT-D878UV and Alinco DJ-MD5TGP,/ DJ-MD5T radios. Guillermo, CX8BIT, will continue to add lists for other radios.



BM News[edit]


Talk Groups in URUGUAY[edit]

In Uruguay, there are no restrictions on TG's use. Repeaters, mobile and handheld radios, DMO's, etc., are open to all TG's on any slot. There are, however, some conventions for the use of TG's and for the programming of handies or mobile stations.
These are the following:

Talk Groups on Time Slot 1[edit]

Talk Groups on Time Slot 2[edit]


User-activated (Tactical) Uruguay Talk Groups on Time Slot 2[edit]

User-activated talk groups, also known as "tactical", "dynamic" or "on demand" talk groups, are activated by pressing PTT once. The talk group will stay active (on the repeater it has been activated) for 10 minutes after the last activation. In Uruguay users "meet" on national or regional talk groups (e.g., TG 748,TS1) and will then agree to switch to one of the user-activated talk groups (TGs 74830, 74840, 74850, 74860). Since user-activated talk groups are used on time slot 2, this operating procedure frees up resources on time slot 1 for other users.

Talkgroup Timeslot Description
74830 2 CXUA 1
74840 2 CXUA 2
74850 2 CXUA 3
74860 2 CXUA 4

Dashboard and Status pages[edit]


All Applications


- CAI Network: 12

- ARS Radio ID: XXX999 , XXX being the first three digits of any Master Server.
(This server does not necessarily need to be the Master Server to which the repeater is connected)

- preferred channel settings:

- ARS: On System/Site Change

- IP Site Connect: On

- GPS Revert: Selected

- Data Call Confirmed: Off (unchecked)


Useful Links[edit]


Callsign ID Tx freq. Rx freq. Permanent TGs S1 Permanent TGs S2 Location Remarks

CX2CXX 748001 147.360 147.960 748 74800 Montevideo-Pocitos Temporarily down
CX8RXX 748002 Maldonado Not yet in service
CX1AXX 748003 146.760 146.160 748 74800,74801,74802,7487 Montevideo - (Sede R.C.U) RCU-temporarily down
CX8CXX 748004 145.500 144.900 748 74800,74801,74802,748230 Montevideo - Unión RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX9SXX 748005 432.425 437.425 748 74800,74810 Lavalleja - MINAS RADIO CLUB MINAS - CX2AL
CX1DXX 748011 432.500 437.500 748 74800,74804,748230 Canelones - Joanicó RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX9TXX 748012 432.500 437.500 748 74800,74815,748230 Rocha - (Sede de C.R.R - C.A.R) RADIOGRUPO SUR - CENTRO RADIOAFICIONADOS ROCHA -


CX4UXX 748013 432.200 437.200 748 74800,74820 Treinta y Tres - Ruta 8 Km 323.700 CX4AR
CX2TXX 748014 Rocha
CX7DXX 748015 432.825 437.825 748 74800,74804,748230 Canelones - Solymar RADIOGRUPO SUR

Temporarily down

CX4AXX 748101 432.100 437.100 748,74800 74800,74801,74802,7487 Montevideo - Pocitos CX2AL
CX7BXX 748102 432.350 437.350 722,730,914,



74802,74803,74804, 74805,74806,74807, 74808,74809,74810, 74811,74812,74813, 74814,74815,74816, 74817,74818,74819, 74820,74830,748008, 748102

Montevideo - Paso de la Arena CX5AL - CX4AE
CX4RXX 748103 432.300 437.300 748 74800,74811,7226 Maldonado - Punta del Este CX4AR
CX9BXX 748104 432.150 437.150 748 74800,74801,74802,748230 Montevideo - Cordón RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX7RXX 748106 432.750 437.750 748 74800,74811 Maldonado - Piriapolis CX4AR - CX3BBL - HB9IBG
CX8DXX 748107 432.550 437.550 748 74800,74804,748230 Canelones - Las Piedras RADIOGRUPO SUR
CX4VXX 748017 432.350 437.350 748, 74800 7487, 74800,74805, Melo-Cerro Largo CX4AE, CX3VB

DMO Gateways (high power hotspots)[edit]

Callsign ID Frequency Location Remarks
CX8BIT 7480021 147.990 Montevideo
CX2TG 7480017 146.598 Rocha
CX2UI 7480045 145.050 Treinta y Tres
CX3AF 7480023 433.050 Paysandú
CX1LA 7480019 145.550 Casupá-Florida
CX2FX 7480095 146.460 Tarariras-Colonia
CX2DAJ 7481017 146.080 Santa Lucía-Canelones
CX2TN 7480132 146.180 Castillos - Rocha
CX3JU 748102516 434.100 Salto
CX4AE 748102517 433.100 Nueva Helvecia-Colonia
CX1HL 748102520 433.100 Young- Río Negro
CX1VH 748005601 433.100 Melo-Cerro Largo
CX1VH 748005604 145.010 Melo-Cerro Largo
CX1VE 74800090 433.100 Rio Branco-Cerro Largo
CX5TS 7480112 145.050 Chuy-Rocha
CX1MB 7480021 432.100 Trinidad-Flores

These are unconfirmed frequencies - More Gateways under construction!

Analog gateway to DMR, TG 748[edit]

There is an analog (fm) gateway/access to DMR TG 748 S1 in Montevideo on 147.870 Mhz.(CTCSS 82.5) It is located in the Parque Rodó neighborhood. Welcome to use it.

Color codes used in Uruguay to build repeaters and DMO gateways[edit]

Signal Color Motorola GM300 pin number DB9 pin on Scott Zimmermann's STM32_DVM_PiHat board Yaesu FT-7900 Notes
Tx audio red 5 2 1 Data input to Tx
ground orange 7 8 2
Rx audio yellow 11 6 4 Data output from Rx
COS/SQL green 8 X 6 Programmable on GM300, active high on Yaesu FT-7900/7800
PTT brown 3 5 3 Tx on when this pin is grounded
RSSI black 15 4 X GM350, not used on GM300 or FT-7900/7800
12V out white

13 9 (12V in) X On GM300 and similar radios, pin 13 connects to J8-5 which supplies +12V switched power from the radio on/off switch.This connection can deliver 500 mA current, fused by the 2A internal radio fuse. Do not forget: jumper 551 on A (The Rx audio applied to the accessory connector J3 is flat, not de-emphasized, and unmuted), jumper 601 on B (The high speed Rx data path to the microcomputer is flat from 1Hz to 3kHz). (bottom side of radio). This 601 jumper activates/deactivates the audio low pass filter.

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